Wednesday 24 February 2016

Penny and the Carnival ...

We met Penny on Sunday at the Carnevale at Viareggio.  The floats, costumes and atmosphere were as good as they always are.  More people on the street this time - perhaps because the previous two processions were stuck by rain.  (How does paper-machè cope with rain?)

The themes were even more apocalyptic than usual, but the big floats were fabulous - what a work!

Mark Zuckerberg rides his Facebook monster in this float - suitably titled "Io sono Dio  - I am God"! (Note the real women/angels on the trapezes to left and right)
Penny and Barbara get into the swing (Penny slightly more so)  ...
The Bilderberg group (secretive elite world group which controls us all - apparently) 
with the church in its pocket (well, mouth) ...
... this big panther's goin' to eat ya if you don't obey - the back-side of the same float
Mare/male nostrum - a float concerned with our abuse of the seas
The cage - "The multi-armed central figure represents the political power which 
holds the globe imprisoned tightly in its hands" - Whew!


  1. I'm impressed! How did you guess how to interpret the meaning of the various carts?

  2. I'm impressed! How did you guess how to interpret the meaning of the various carts?
