Thursday 25 February 2016

A breath of fresh air at Sillico

After the crowds of the day before, we hied to the little village of Sillico to do the "metato walk" - the metatos being stone kilns in the woods used to dry the chestnuts for milling into flour.  One is still in use to provide chestnuts for the local autumn harvest celebrations.

Later, in the evening, the weather stayed fine until after our meal at the Altana, when the gentle rain engendered a musical interlude - in public too!

Set to go, with Barga duomo and the Pania della Croce in the distance
A cappucino had to be had on the way - this is the walled town of Castiglione
In the woods ...
Posing with a metato ...
After all that wine, I couldn't stop them singing in the rain!

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