Thursday 18 February 2016

Fine day, and a walk to Tiglio

Grand, spring-like day after a cold night.  After a morning of pleasant footering, and lunch on the terrace, we set off on the path to the nearby village of Tiglio - a walk we did in the summer of 2012 before we had any thought of coming here for a winter.

The banks above and below our way were crowded with flowers - Christmas roses (still going strong after two months ...), primroses, violets, anemones, snowdrops and crocuses. Lovely ...

Recent rain has fallen as snow higher up, giving Monte Tambura an Alpine look
Not just in Parma - Violets on our path
We saw many more snowdrops today than in past years - wonderful!
The rather strange black iris - quite common here
Thanks to ivy, the woods are still very green despite the season ...
Olive terraces surround a homestead looking back across the ravine

Barga duomo seen from the path
A blue anemone  with its tri-lobed leaves