Thursday 10 December 2015

The dark side - Up the valley to Equi Terme

Today we took the train on the spectacular journey up the valley (away from Lucca, and towards Aulla) to the little spa village of Equi Termi.  So near to midwinter, the village lies all day in the shadow of the Apuan Alps towering above.  In fact throughout our day we were looking across the vallley to a host of other villages which basked in the sun all day!

Equi Terme itself, though a picturesque and almost unspoilt ancient village (one house bore the date 1526) was not in photogenic mood as it languished in the cold, damp shade!

Although we found no hot water today, the river was clearly warmer than other rivers, as it gently steamed along on its course!

From Equi Terme we were able to walk along a mule track to the nearby village of Monzone, where we found a family restaurant going like a fair, and we had an excellent lunch.  Thus refreshed, we walked on to Isolana where a cheery older inhabitant by the name of Mauro showed us around the tiny streets - "Non รจ Londra" he explained (It's not London!)

The river - warmer than the surroundings, but not warm!

The medieval bridge at the start of our walk to Monzone
Looking over to the sunny side ...
A good path
Lunch at the ristorante Da Remo

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