Saturday 12 December 2015

Domestic matters ...

Today, when Barbara went down to the town, she was waylaid by Bogdanka who was busy with mother-in-law Teresa making pasta for lunch.  She took some photos with her phone.  Needless to say, she was given some to take home.

The olive grove next door has seen a lot of activity recently - it had been a bit neglected.  The undergrowth was strimmered down, and the trees themselves were cut right back to give better yields in forthcoming seasons.

Back at the house, Bill got in a special load of wood - heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow ...
The soft pasta (maccheroni) resting on the table
From macheroni into tagliatelli ...
Theresa lays the pasta in flour while Bogdanka "ca's the handle" ...
A nice clean olive grove, 1 La Serra behind ...
Getting the wood in

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