Thursday 3 December 2015

Perpoli to Lucca

We've been a bit lazy, but the day before yesterday, we went up to the little village of Fiattone, where there is an easy walk up to the village of Perpoli, which is perched high above the Serchio valley.  We got chatting to an old lady in the village, who said that Perpoli has the best views of any village in the valley.  She than added that the good view and the medieval fortifications, had made the village an ideal gun emplacement for German soldiers holding back the allies in the battle of the Gothic line.  The result was that the village suffered from heavy bombardment from the Americans to dislodge the enemy.

Yesterday, we went in to Lucca for the first time (on one of the posh new trains which arrived in the summer) to have a look at the market, and to hire bikes and have a ride around the walls and through the narrow streets.

Loading wood below Perpoli (which is craggier than it looks!)
Posh new train ...
Still quite a lot of leaves on the trees as Barbara makes her way along the road on top of Lucca's wall

All quiet during the long lunchtime at Basilico San Freddiano
It was quite hot up on the walls in the sun - the lizards were out in force, scurrying around

The spectacular facade of San Michele in Foro, the church built on the site of the Roman forum in Lucca

In the large Piazza Napeoleone, preparations were underway for the festive season - tented stalls, an open air ice rink, and this carousel (which is displaying a painting of the church Bill was standing in front of in the photo above ..)

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