Thursday 26 November 2015

Fiddling in Firenze ...

I'm sure Nicola Benedetti will forgive my title.  We went into Florence to go to a concert of hers which was part of a Beethoven season at the new theatre in Florence.  We were there last year to see the opera Falstaff.  It was a really good concert, and the girl herself was excellent, and very well received.  She is a local lass of course - well, her dad is from Barga ...

Florence was glowing in the autumn sunshine, but it was very cold out of the sun.

We went to the Boboli gardens in the afternoon - a long overdue visit to this grand 16th century playground of the Medici family.
Sunrise on the Pania before we left
The duomo - still there after all these years ...
... as is the Palazzo Vecchio (the crane is not so old...)
The many versions of Dave ...

Looking back from the Boboli towards the duomo
"Tindaro Screpolato" - Dramatic bronze by the Polish sculptor Igor Mitoraj of Tyndareus, the Spartan king who was stepfather of Helen of Troy (apparently)
Barbara in the Boboli
The only photo I was allowed to take of Nicola ...

1 comment:

  1. Another set of stunning photographs. What a sunrise. And, you lucky bisims getting to see Nicola Beneditti whom I've heard on Radio Scotland's Classics Unwrapped and she has played in Edinburgh but never when I've been organised enough to get myself there. There's a lot of careful planning getting skillfully executed by you two.
