Tuesday 29 December 2015


The 27th, and we went up the valley a few miles to Fosciandora (where John Bellany had his house).  Had an amble round the paths through the vineyards to Lupinaia and back.  The valley must have particularly good conditions at this point, as the hillsides are covered in vines, all carefully husbanded.

A grand place for a washing line - note Christmas tablecloth among the other unnameable items ...
A beautiful Elephant's Ear flower playing host to a bumble bee enjoying the unseasonal warmth
The hillside below Lupinaia
Vines in good order.  New chestnut poles in evidence - the old one stained blue with fungicidal copper compounds.  All the vine ties are made of golden willow twigs, tied with a clever traditional knot
Pleasant ambling conditions ...


  1. I wondered if the knot used in vine ties is similar to a clove hitch? Good to see such beautiful scenery in the sun. It was sunny here too today but windy - a good drying day if you have a washing line - but the forecast suggests we will soon be back to rain as well as wind.

  2. I wondered if the knot used in vine ties is similar to a clove hitch? Good to see such beautiful scenery in the sun. It was sunny here too today but windy - a good drying day if you have a washing line - but the forecast suggests we will soon be back to rain as well as wind.

  3. looks like summer in December...must be the climate change

  4. looks like summer in December...must be the climate change
