Saturday 5 December 2015


Yesterday, we went on a scouting trip to a place called Crocialetto.  It's not a village, more the end of the metalled road before the hill tracks begin.  For a flying crow, it is perhaps five minutes from Barga, but because of the pattern of spurs and valleys in our area, we must drive all the way down to the Serchio, then all the way up again - taking at least three quarters of an hour.  Our road took us past the hill village of Coreglia, originally home to many of the figurinos - men skilled in making devotional figurines - many of whom emigrated early in the 20th century, to countries all over the world.

Coreglia has three cafes, so we were able to have our elevenses - very important! Crocialetto has a car park and an extensive rifugio which must do a big trade in the summertime, but is closed now for the winter.

The early morning mist disperses 
Coreglia Antelminelli (to give it its full title) with the Appenines behind
Coreglia - These pansies reflect the autumn colours of the chestnut tree behind
The apocalyptic welcome sign at Crocialetto  - no through road either way, danger from falling rocks and crumbling roadways, plus two enigmatic messages all but erased by the ravages of time ...
The backlog from last years gale is still being cleared by the foresters  - providing us with a handy lunch spot along the way ...
Looking across the Serchio valley to Cardoso (in silhouette in left middle distance) - some of us have walked the path running beneath the crags - Elspeth and Malcolm, Jenny and Lynn

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