Wednesday 9 March 2016

Winter comes at last ...

Snow at this time of year is always a bit unwelcome, despite being pretty to behold, if only for a short while.  Our baker arrived in his car, as he'd only just changed the winter tyres on his van to summer tyres!  Caught out ...

So, yesterday was a soggy dark day, but the photo taken this morning shows the mountains in their fresh white coats.

The Kaki tree, wondering where spring went ... 
The mimosa flowers droop under their load of snow
Defying the weather, our blackbird sang in the olive grove loud and long ...
A dry sunny day, with the snow confined to the mountain tops and the higher villages

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of snow. Good it doesn't stop the birds singing. It's more like spring here. I was at the Saturday morning farmers' market in Castle Terrace with Douglas and a gold finch was singing its heart out in a tree. My bird song identification wasn't confident but I eventually managed to get sight of it.
