Wednesday 9 March 2016


Poor Barga itself doesn't get much coverage in the blog - it's too close! However, a couple of days ago, we went for a dander round the town and took a few pictures - some with quite spectacular effects of sun and sky ...

Looking back from Barga to "our house" - it's in the upper middle!
Looking back on our walking route from the house into Barga - it's called 
the Fornacetta - "little furnace", or oven it means, and its history is obscure - I think!
On the way up to the Duomo
The strange profile of the duomo - it's medieval structure hasn't had a make-over in more recent 
centuries as so many churches have ...
Good parking facilities abound in Barga!
Sunlit houses and duomo.  The lowering sky threatened, but did not deliver rain - 
makes for a dramatic photograph though ...
A street in Barga - passable by car - if you dare!
Looking back up the same street


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  4. wonderful pictures of Barga and surroundings; if you give these pictures to the Fratelli Poli (the newspapershop opposite Alpino) they might produce a new Barga calendar for 2017. They did one for 2016, yet I dare say that your fotos are better and definigtely more original, especially the one about the parking facilities. And of course, you might include those with the snow...

  5. I agree the photos are worthy of a calendar. Its a beautiful place and those skies are fantastic.

  6. I agree the photos are worthy of a calendar. Its a beautiful place and those skies are fantastic.
