Tuesday 29 March 2016


We have been busy with the towns to the north - Parma, Modena, Mantova, Ferrara, and have neglected Florence.  We've only been there once this winter, so caught the train there the other day, with a view to revisiting the Uffizi gallery. Good Friday, as it happened, so, together with the fine weather, it was a popular place to be!

Not too many people, but the queue at the Uffizi was long, even for those who had reserved, so we just had an enjoyable lunch and a stroll around and a few purchases at the leather stalls at the market.

Along the way, I photographed some of the ubiquitous "ferri" - iron hooks attached to the walls of the buildings to tie up the horses in days of yore ...

It was busier than it looks!
A private palazzo beautifully decorated in chiaroscuro -
spotted in a street we have walked down many times without noticing it
Bill tucks into a bowl of ribollita - a "hearty peasant soup"!
We didn't try the lampredotto - a Florentine specialty - boiled tripe made, unusually, of the fourth stomach of the cow, and having slightly(!) unappetising livid purple colour ...
The ferri range from very simple ...
... to slightly more elaborate ...
... to full-blown wrought-iron sculptures

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