Friday 30 October 2015

Barga at last ...

(6pm - arrived safely in Barga!  After a wonderful drive down the valley in warm sunshine ...)

We drove from Obernai in Alsace to the little village of Nesso on the banks lake Como.  Our journey took us through Switzerland, and the St Gotthard tunnel.  The tunnel is the longest alpine tunnel (10 miles) and a lot scruffier than the Mont Blanc tunnel which we now know quite well. Not a very pleasant experience ...

In Nessso, we didn't have anywhere booked, the shades of night were falling fast so with panic setting in, we were lucky to get the last room in this busy albergo.
The landlady really didn't want to give us it, as the last tenant had pulled down the curtain pole, but on Bill wielding screwdriver, civilisation was restored, and we were set for a lovely evening beside the famous lake.
Lunching on an Obernai pretzel on an alpine meadow in Switzerland
Locanda Tre Rose  - as yet without fully-functioning curtain facilities ...
The last of the sun creeps over the lake
The embarcadero of the old part of the village
Barbara enjoying the lights over the lake after our pizza


  1. Hoorah you are there safely after another epic journey and the blog is back for our entertainment and information. Three lots of posts already. I look forward to the first picture of leothrixes in the kaki tree and the ever changing fabulous view from the terrace. Maybe you could use your posts to weave in the rules of Italian pronounciation passed down from your host. Then maybe those of us who are a bit slower on the uptake will still have a sporting chance of saying the names correctly. May you have may many days of sun.

    1. Hi Lynn - I hope I manage to inform, educate and entertain (or is that the BBC?)
