Thursday 14 April 2016

Flowers and shepherds ...

Barbara has always wanted to visit Monte Croce because it is known for its wonderful display of giunchiglie.  Giunchiglia, is presumably our word jonquil, but the flower is really a version of our pheasant's eye narcissus.  We knew that the full show would be in May, but we were also assured by the landlady of the cafe in Palagnana that we would not see any this early in the season.

How frustrating then to see the leaves all over the hill as we neared the summit, with quite a few nearly open flower buds, but, as we had been assured, no flowers.  However, as we descended, and again reached civilisation, we met up with a friendly shepherd (and his five dogs!).  He said that in May, the giunchiglie grew so abundantly, that the hill looked as it was covered in snow.  But then he thought he had seen a few early ones ... And strolling only a few yards, was able to show us not just one, but several clusters of the fragrant flowers.  Beautiful.  Back down at the cafe, the landlady was incredulous - but Barbara was able to show the proof, as the shepherd had casually picked one and presented it to her!

Cowslips grew abundantly among the limestone rocks
The beech trees show off their wonderful new leaves in the sunshine
Interesting old boundary stone marking the border between the Grand Duchy
of Tuscany and the territory of the Este family (bigwigs of yore)
Old shrine showing a beautiful grown-wood lintel at the front ...
The shepherd and Barbara chat about flowers ...
... and there they are!


  1. was he really a shepherd? sure he wasn't a hobbit?

    1. Actually, when we showed the photo to Luciana, she immediately declared "That's Mario! - my dad knows him!"
      So, sadly, probably not a hobbit!
