Saturday 2 April 2016

Betty comes to visit

Betty got up at 4.20AM (!!!) to be ready for her taxi to Edinburgh in time for check-in for her flight on Thursday.  Despite Barbara's worst fears, the weather has been kind, and today the temperature rose to 27 degrees, and Betty thinks she is already getting a tan!

On Friday,  we went up to try to do a circular walk between the villages of Fiattone and Perpoli.  We got lost, so although the walk was kinda circular, it was also kinda long.  What should have been a gentle hour and a half turned into a quite strenuous four hour hike.  Very enjoyable territory though.

Betty enjoys a camellia in Fiattone as we start our walk
The primroses are spectacular this year
Bill and Betty beside a bed of wild bugle
An unusual clover which awaits identification ...
Nearly back at the car ...

1 comment:

  1. spring is there, perhaps summer (27°C), how nice that Betty is able to enjoy Barga at its best!
