Sunday 24 April 2016

Barga to Mont Blanc

Time to go. It has been an early spring in Barga, and many wild flowers are already past, although there are other varieties to take their place.

Marijke and Pietro arrived yesterday, so we had a good overlap and a great catch-up.

Managed to get off this morning at 9.00, and had an uneventful journey in warm sunny weather to here - Les Houches (part of Chamonix) on nice quiet roads.  Snowing when we arrived, and temperatures around 5°C - but hey - it's a ski resort!

Tomorrow to Troyes in L'Aube ...

This is the first time we've seen the wisteria out in the garden ...
Farewell for now ...
The Robinia trees in the valley have just started to produce their tresses of
 sweet smelling blossom ...
The paddy fields in the Po valley where the risotto rice comes from - Alps appearing
in the background
Last view of Italy - the mountains in the Val D'Aosta
First view of France - the lower spurs on Mont Blanc shrouded in snow clouds
seen from our hotel room

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