Monday 1 February 2016

Trip to Tereglio

Not been out for a week, so a touch of cabin fever setting in.  We just went a few miles down the valley to Lucignana, where we have never been, and Tereglio, where we have been , once in 2013, in thick fog.  Today was overcast, and the cafe was shut (a Monday problem), so look out for the third trip in glorious sunshine - with coffee!  The villages seem even more ancient than most around us, many of the buildings still free of the plaster coats which modernise the view elsewhere.

Recently we have been plagued with yowling cats in the night - up to seven of them, who seem to prefer our front step to all others.

The ancient campanile in Lucignana - note smoke going up, not along ...
Main drag, Lucignana
Disused mill for chestnut and wheat flour in the valley below Lucignana
The only street in Tereglio, and the houses on either side, are perched along a rocky ridge between two precipices
We thought they were just trying to keep dry - but when numbers soared to seven, we suspected something gender-related was going on ...


  1. Sorry to hear about the cats.
    Marijke has a number or remedial suggestions:
    a) throw over them a bucket of water (you might need to repeat this on several occasions, but eventually they'll get scared and not come back>)
    b) buy a spray anti-pissing-cats and spray the area where you don't want to come (possibly in the pantry there is such a product, in granular form)
    c) put on the threshold of doors plastic bottles full of water. This is the remedy used by the locals in Barga. Apparently the cats see in the bottle their own image deformed, they think it's a monster, and run away!

    1. Thank you Marijke! We are not yet desperate however, as the yowling does not continue through the night. Barbara adds - these are not scruffy cats - they are beautiful "Miss World" cats, glossy and well-fed. But they are HERE!
