Wednesday 20 January 2016

A sunny Sunday

Feeling a bit lazy of late - is it the time of year?  But on Sunday, we managed to walk down the path to Loppia to see if there were any snowdrops.  However, after our day of rain, the river at Loppia was sufficiently highto make the scramble across uninviting.

Mission accomplished anyway, though - we did see the odd snowdrop, butsurprisingly, before we saw them, we were greeted with carpets of crocuses. Looks like the mild winter has been to their liking ...
A fine morning
Our house at La Serra with the village Sommocolonia behind
The golden willow does its thing ...
... and its raison d'etre- to tie things up - here some arrow-straight bamboo
The first of the crocuses pushing up through the leaf mould ...
... and many more down by the river
A "bucaneve' yet to open up
In the woods on the way back
The snow-capped Appenines behind La Serra


  1. that first picture of the Castello di Barga matching up with the snow-topped Pania on the back, with a carpet of fog in between, is simply wonderful!

  2. that first picture of the Castello di Barga matching up with the snow-topped Pania on the back, with a carpet of fog in between, is simply wonderful!
