Sunday 22 November 2015

Rambling round Sillico

Despite it being the shutting day for the cafe, we went up to Sillico  on Thursday to do the Walk of the Metato.  Nearly all of our visitors have been on this walk through the chestnut woodlands, and it is one of our favourites.

Metato is a local word for the chestnut-drying kiln used around here.  There are many scattered through the woods - most now in ruins, but several on this walk are still in operation at this time of year.

In days gone by we are told, villagers used to gather round the fire in the metatos in the evening to get a heat, and in the glow of the embers, the old folk told their stories ...
For those in the know - the mountain is the Pania di Corfino ...
Strange red flower at a barbecue spot near to the village
Among the chestnut leaves on the path
Outside a working metato - the smoke was just visible from close up

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