Sunday 8 November 2015

On the way to Massa

Our trip to Pitigliano started with a journey by autostrada and then local roads to Massa Maritima.  this took us into deepest Tuscany - with rolling farmland and pencil slim cypresses.

On the way, by chance we happened upon the "World Geothermal Energy Centre"!  We'd never heard of it, but visited their museum, which was fascinating.  The area has been famous since classical times for its jets of steam hissing from the ground allover the valley.

Although the plant made quite an impact on the lovely countryside, it was comforting to know that what we were seeing was a non-polluting, sustainable form of energy production.

Fields ploughed for the winter - some were being sowed (with what?)
as we watched
Megawatts of geothermal power out in the country ... 
The stainless steel steam pipes make a sculpture in the landscape


  1. I was thinking that it was about the time of year when the two of you move from your Orkney paradise to your Tuscan one so, after a bit of not too intensive research, I caught up with your new blog. I'm looking forward to your beautifully described and photographed adventures this winter.
    We're still in Aberdeenshire for now. Anne is currently in Berlin, then Tokyo, so nothing much has changed!
    I hope you have the best of times in Barga. How could you not? We'll both be watching!
    All the best
    Ian and Anne x

  2. Well done! And great to hear from you and to have your kind comments - I'll email you some time ... (promise!)
