Tuesday 3 November 2015

A walk to Sommocolonia

Yesterday went down to Barga to meet fellow Scots Ron and Susie for a coffee. Then off up the winding paths to the nearby hilltop town of Sommocolonia - once a Roman settlement, and in World War II the scene of the only battle in the Garfagnana.

The downward leg of the walk is on the original mule path of beautifully set cobbles.
Heading into town ...
The aquaduct makes a fine silhouette 
Ron and Susie accompanied us for part of the way 
(note Sara getting in on the act!)
The cyclamen prove a constant attraction
The cobbles are almost obscured by the falling leaves
A blazing maple greets us on our way back into Barga


  1. How fabulous to have cyclamen growing in the woods. I bought one in a pot that looks just like that for mum two weeks ago.

  2. enjoy this Indian Summer while it lasts!
